About Us


ZSMT EDUCATION国际教育规划中心, 是一家专精为高端家庭子女制定长期教育规划的美国教育顾问机构, 总部设在加州洛杉矶. 凭借深厚的国际化背景, 强大的美国顶级院校关系,以及对于教育专业的洞见,我们致力于为高端的家庭提供全方位高品质的服务:




  1. 资优儿童教育规划 (适用于 1-7 年级)
  2. 常春藤学院升学规划 (适用于7-12 年级)
  3. TOP 30 大学升学规划 (适用于8-12 年级)
  4. K-12 私立学校申请 (适用于K-10 年级)
  5. 大学本科申请(适用于12 年级)
  6. 在线教育
  7. 教育投资

中心专注于执行 “长期教育规划“理念, 以 “家庭教育规划师” 身份,为高端家庭提供顾问服务,在升学教育规划与名校申请方面,我们精益求精每一个服务细节,力求为每个家庭的孩子,打造最适合的长期教育与升学规划。我们的管理和顾问团队,全部是来自于美国本土教育界和职场的精英人士,且都毕业于美国顶尖私立高中和排名前25的大学,因此深谙美国教育体系特点。


The mission of ZSMT EDUCATION is to facilitate a cultural, educational and economic exchange between the U.S., China and other members of our global community. Our many programs assist students, teachers and business leaders to learn and share their knowledge and culture with their counterparts in other countries. We  provide service to the J-1 program (High School Culture Exchange Program), F-1 program (for junior high school students, senior high school students, college students, BA/MA/PHD students), Summer/Winter camp program and high school teachers training program in the U.S. Since 2009, we have assisted Chinese schools (K to 12 and colleges) to hire teachers and professors who are willing to teach in China, and to recruit students who want to study in China. We advocate for those who need our help. Even a little help goes a long way. That is why we are especially happy to find new volunteers who share our  commitment to making the world a better place. Do you want to support us by helping with our work? Then do not hesitate to contact us. A helping hand is always greatly appreciated!